Lisa Higuchi, MS, EMT-P, CD, AAHCC, Evidence Based Birth® Instructor
I've been a birth professional for over 30 years now. It’s hard to believe that much time has passed, because I still love it just as much today as I did when I first started!
I have been blessed with five amazing kids, and six grandbabies, who are all perfect, of course! I was fortunate to be a full time, stay-at-home mom for 13 years when my children were small, and it was during that time that I first became a certified childbirth instructor, teaching The Bradley Method® of natural childbirth, and began working as a birth doula.
I later became an EMT, and then a Paramedic, delivering a handful of babies myself "in the field" over the years in some very interesting locations and circumstances! I have spent the last several years as the area clinical / training manager for the largest private ambulance company in the United States. In total, I have over 20 years of EMS / healthcare education experience, and have taught a variety of medical subjects to EMT's, Paramedics, RN's, and medical students. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Emergency Medical Care from Loma Linda University, where I have also served as adjunct faculty, and a Master of Science degree in Biomimetics from Arizona State University. I have a great passion for clinical quality improvement, evidence-based care, and the science of how nature’s forms, processes and systems can solve human challenges.
I am a certified Health Coach for expectant and new families through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute and am also an Evidence Based Birth® Instructor. I offered one of the first Evidence Based Birth® workshops in the United States, and was part of a pilot program to roll out the new Evidence Based Birth® online / in-person hybrid childbirth classes!
Despite all this, I believe my greatest asset as a childbirth educator and doula is my own personal background: I have had normal, healthy pregnancies, and one high-risk one; I’ve had difficult, frightening birth experiences, and medication-free, peaceful, joyful ones; bottle fed and breastfed; and been a married, homeschooling mom and later a single, working mother. I've experienced birth and parenthood from pretty much every perspective you can imagine. My overall goal to is help my clients obtain evidence based care by providing support, resources, and knowledge tailored to their own preferences and background.